At Nenagh District Court on the 12th December 2024 Tipperary County Council was successful in two Environmental Enforcement prosecutions it had taken.
In the first case, Tipperary County Council successfully prosecuted a Company under the provisions of the Litter Pollution Act 1997 for erecting unauthorised signage/advertising on numerous poles in a local town. The Company had previously been issued fines by Tipperary County Council for similar offences. Judge Marie Keane found in favour of the Local Authority and fined the company €1,500 and allowed for costs of €500. Therefore, the total financial penalty to this Company is €2,000.
In the second case, Tipperary County Council successfully prosecuted a private individual for the disposing of a vehicle at a site not licenced to accept End-Of-Life- Vehicles. A number of vehicles were found on a site in County Tipperary and Fixed Penalty Fines were issued to all the registered car owners. This individual was the only one not to pay the Fixed Penalty Notice of €100. Despite attempts to advise this person to pay the Fixed Penalty Notice the case proceeded to Court. Following the presentation of evidence Judge Marie Keane found in favour of the Local Authority. Fines, under the Waste Management Act 1996 and the European Union (End-of-Life Vehicles) Regulations 2014, totalling €650 were issued by the Court on the private individual. Costs of €750 were also awarded to Tipperary County Council. Therefore, the total financial penalty to this private individual is €1,400.
Tipperary County Council is happy with the outcome of both these cases and it highlights that the Council will follow up on any such incidents of unauthorised environmental activity. Tipperary County Council will continue to bring such matters to Court as appropriate.