Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Environmental Complaints

Environmental complaints arise from issues that pose a threat to the environment, a threat to health or an adverse impact on nature, amenity and lifestyle.

They come under a number of categories such as:

  • Air: Dust, Odour, Smoke
  • Derelict Sites
  • Dog Control: Stray dogs, Aggressive dogs
  • Litter: Abandoned Vehicles, Small Quantities of illegal dumping, Un-Authorised Signs/Advertising, Cars for Sale
  • Management/Infrastructure: Bottle/Banks, Landfill Sites, Recycling Centres
  • Noise: Dogs Barking, Industrial Activities, Domestic Disturbance
  • Veterinary: Dead Animals, Stray Animals (e.g. horses)
  • Waste Enforcement: Illegal Waste Collection, Illegal Waste Dumping (Large Quantities), Illegal Waste Storage, Non Disposal of Household Waste, Contravention of Environmental Regulations
  • Water: Agricultural Pollution, Domestic Pollution (Septic Tanks), Industrial Pollution, Water Pollution (Rivers, Streams or Drains)

Some areas, like wildlife and habitat protection, workplace health and safety, and public health are the responsibility of specific public bodies and not the Environment Section.

Please see the Environmental Protection Agency’s brochure "See Something, Say Something - How To Make An Environmental Complaint" attached below.

Steps to deal with a Complaint:

  1. Contact the Person or Business Directly

    Frequently, it is possible to resolve your concern through discussion by contacting the person that is causing the problem directly. If this is not possible refer to Step Two.
    If you do contact the person or business directly, decide beforehand what result you would like. Contact them and outline the issue that needs to be resolved, how you would like to see it resolved and come to an agreeable situation.

    Rather than go through this complaints process you have the option of bringing your own actions under many sections of environmental law especially under NOISE.

  2. Contact the Local Authority
    If the first step in the process has not produced a satisfactory result please:-
    • Contact 0818 06 5000 and provide the details of the problem.
    • Contact the National Environmental Complaints Line on a 24 hour basis at 1800 365 123
  3. If the problem is from an EPA Licenced Facility
    If you’ve been dealing with an EPA licensed site and the problem has not been resolved then you should contact the EPA.
    The National Environmental Complaints Line on a 24 hour basis at 1800 365 123

How to help us deal with your complaint:

  • DETAILS! Accurate and Comprehensive are essential - give as much detail as possible.
  • What specifically is the issue?
  • Where is the problem - ACCURATE DIRECTIONS assist with the officer finding the location.
  • Contact details: A contact number is really helpful to us to verify/clarify the location.
  • Who is the alleged offender(s) and / or what are the vehicle details.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Investigating anonymous complaints can be very difficult and time consuming.
To properly deal with a complaint, we may need to be able to contact you for further information or assistance. You will be encouraged to give your name or at least a valid contact detail.
Your name and contact details will be kept confidential should you request it. However, it is important to remember that a contact number for the inspecting officer is very helpful for investigating your issue and for updating you of the outcome.
When you request that your name and contact details be kept confidential they will be withheld from any public file.
Please note that information submitted to public bodies is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003.

A complaint is forwarded to an inspecting officer immediately after receiving it. The length of time it takes depends on the details furnished by you, the severity of the complaint and the resources available.

In some instances a court action may be taken to resolve an issue. You may be asked to act as a witness, the inspecting officer will advise you in this matter.

In cases where a local authority has investigated your complaint and the problem persists, please endeavour to discuss this with the Environment Section. If you are still unsatisfied please contact the EPA. The EPA will then investigate the issue and resolve it where possible.

It is important to note that the EPA will not become involved in investigating an issue that should be resolved by a local authority, until the relevant local authority has been given an opportunity to investigate and resolve the issue.

To submit a complaint for the attention of Environment, please use the following form
You can also call the Customer Service Desk at 0818 065000.

Complaints can also be logged at

  • I want to make a complaint and remain ANONYMOUS
  • How long will it take to deal with my Complaint?
  • Do I need to be available as a Witness?
  • I made a complaint to the Local Authority and I am not satisfied?
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