Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Faisnéis agus Comhairle Gnó

Féadfaidh údaráis áitiúla faisnéis agus comhairle a sholáthar do ghnólachtaí nua nó do ghnólachtaí atá ann cheana féin maidir le gnéithe de ghnólacht a reáchtáil, mar shampla gnólacht a chur ar bun nó a leathnú, rátaí tráchtála, pleanáil agus suíomhanna oiriúnacha agus réadmhaoin oiriúnach.

Local Enterprise Office

Located within the Community & Economic Development Department, the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) is an initiative of the Action Plan for Jobs and is committed to delivering an enhanced and more integrated support service for the micro and small business sector in Ireland.

Local Enterprise Office Tipperary offers a range of complementary supports to potential entrepreneurs and existing businesses.

The supports include a first point of contact for all enterprise related enquiries in the County where individuals can receive advice on the steps involved in setting up a business, to the provision of grants for feasibility studies, financial support for new and existing businesses and a range of soft supports such as enterprise training, management development and mentoring to entrepreneurs and businesses.