Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Íocaíocht ar Áit Chónaithe Phríobháideach Neamhphríomha

Ní mór d’úinéirí réadmhaoine cónaithe príobháideacha, nach raibh mar phríomháit chónaithe an úinéara sna blianta 2009 go 2013, muirear ar an maoin a íoc leis an mBiúró um Áit Chónaithe Phríobháideach Neamhphríomha tríd an údarás áitiúil.

Non Principal Private Residence Charge

The Local Government (Charges) Act 2009, as amended by the Local Government (Household Charge) Act 2011, introduced a €200 annual charge on non-principal private residences, payable by the owners to the local authority in whose area the property concerned is located. This charge was regardless of whether the owner was renting elsewhere or was living outside of Ireland.

Please note that the liability for NPPR for the liability dates: 31/7/2009, 31/03/2010, 31/03/2011 has expired under Section 7(2) of the Local Government (Charges) Bill 2009.

Payments for NPPR can be made as follows:

  • Pay online at using your credit/debit card.

Alternatively, the form can be downloaded, completed and forwarded with payment made payable to NPPR (cheque/bank draft/postal order only) to NPPR, PO Box 11654, Dublin 8.