Mid-Tipperary Decarbonising Zone

Loch Dhoire Bhile

Decarbonising Zone for Tipperary
Section 6 of the Tipperary County Council Local Authority Climate Action Plan sets out a vision for the Mid-Tipperary area centred on the National Biodiversity Campus at Lisheen.
It is proposed that this area will be a focus for opportunities presented by the National Bioeconomy Campus at Lisheen and the opportunities presented by investment in and stakeholder/community support for opportunity areas including; the bioeconomy, climate adaptation, biodiversity, forestry, peatland restoration, energy retrofitting, and sustainable energy communities etc and the many other co-benefits that may arise as a result of sustainable rural development.
The bioeconomy is a holistic use of renewable resources from agriculture, forestry and the marine to produce food, feed, materials and energy while reducing waste. For more information on the bioeconomy go to the Irish Bioeconomy Foundation website.
A new collaborative project with a focus on the National Bioeconomy Campus called ‘Biomethane for Carbon and Community’, click on the following link to read more and to submit an expression of interest.
Biomethane for Carbon and Community - TUS

Mid-Tipperary DZ is in the "EU Just Transition Fund" (JTF) area. This fund will support communities affected by socio-economic impacts from the transition away from fossil fuel intensive industries. There are more details on the EU JTF from the Eastern and Midlands Regional Assembly and here is a link to the EU JTF programme summary.
The Council will have a role in collaborating with and supporting stakeholders and communities in this area and would love to hear from those who live and work in this area.
National Guidance on the development on the Decarbonising Zone
SEAI Management Guidelines Decarbonising Zones
Setting the Scene for Going Green
Tipperary County Council Climate Action Plan 2024 - 2029 (LACAP)

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