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What must a Major Producer of packaging waste who is self-complying with a Local Authority do?

Once obligated, apply to the Local Authority for registration and renew such registration not later than the 31st January each following year. The registration forms are available online at FRM 0074 03 Packaging Self Complier INITIAL Application FRM 0075 03 Packaging Self Complier RENEWAL Application Display a notice at each entrance to a supplying premises stating that packaging waste of the type placed on the market by the producer, will be accepted free of charge for the purpose of recovery. Provide adequate facilities at each supplying premises for the acceptance, segregation and storage of packaging waste. These facilities will be advertised to customers. Accept or collect from any person (free of charge), at each supplying premises, packaging waste of the type or brand supplied by the producer. Ensure packaging waste accepted/collected is either transferred to a producer of packaging or is made available for recovery. A major producer, who is an importer of packaged goods or a packer/filler, must accept or collect not less than 60% by weight of the packaging imported/pack-filled by that producer in the previous quarter. Prepare a plan specifying the steps to be taken to comply with the regulations. Applications for registration/renewal of registration are required for each premises separately. (Application forms are available on request and a fee of €15.00 per tonne or a minimum fee of €500.00 and maximum of €15,000.00 per application will apply). Compile and submit quarterly reports to Tipperary County Council on the weight of packaging and packaging waste received, supplied, accepted, recovered and disposed of. Compile and submit annual reports and 3-year implementation plans to the Local Authority. Such information is to be retained for 3 years. Advertise twice yearly (March and September) in a local newspaper your take back obligations. Note: Producers who are certified members of REPAK are exempt from the above responsibilities